May 15, 2011

Hot Sunday- PG13

Tina Fey

 These pictures aren't overtly sexy, they're a little different but still hot. I'd even say they were the classiest pictures to date. Some would say most boring to date...
It's probably because I was an old lady this weekend.  I worked, exercised, did some some grocery shopping,went to the beach,took some books to the library, and watched a movie. ( Rabbit Hole- Pretty good and sad, like make you never want to have kids sad. And Aaron Eckhart shows his delicious abs. )
I did exactly what I said I was going to do. Took a weekend off.  I saved $ and calories since I didn't drink. Which are two important things. I don't feel groggy or whatever. It's been nice. I'm sure next weekend I'll make up for it by getting beyond trashed. 

Here's some gifs to make up for my lack of XXX.



Anonymous said...

I would like to point out that this is not SFW, because there are bare boobies.

triple x tina said...

Well in my world, thats SFW. Anything more than breasts and it's NSFW.

Anonymous said...

SFW means "Safe For Work". What does it mean in your world?

triple x tina said...

"Safe for Work" but here's where it gets sticky: What's the definition of work, whats the definition of safe? Who's definitions are we going to use. What if I'm a porn star?? Everyone uses different standards. These are mine.


Anonymous said...

The term is generally accepted and used for an office environment. Of course it probably wouldn't matter if you were a porn star or a stripper at work with this. You work(ed) at a school, right? That was your job. I can't imagine this possibly being okay there. Thus, not SFW even in your own life. Creating your own standards on this issue is just ridiculous and pointless. You are trying too hard to have a different opinion on everything. The SFW and the NSFW tags are a courtesy for those who work "mainstream" jobs. Use them correctly; when you don't it doesn't make you look edgy, open minded or like a good liberal. It makes you look like a cretin who doesn't understand internet acronyms.

triple x tina said...

Dear ANON,
While I appreciate the deep concern you have with my use of NSFW and SFW, I have to say, I don't give a FUCK.
What are you, the internet police? Seriously, you might be my first hater. :)
That means I'm internet famous right??
Thanks for the laughs.


triple x tina said...

p.s. I would have been much cooler about this if you would have had the guts to sign your name along with your comment in the first place.