Jumper- Urban Outfitters
Shoes-Thrift Store
Hair Bow- DIY
Event- Errands
This was right before Thanksgiving break. The weather has been unseasonably warm, or maybe its normal, but it seems so different. Oklahoma is cold not freezing, but a good 15 degrees cooler. I've been used to Oklahoma weather for over 20 years. I think i'm more suited for a warmer climate. Maybe even warmer than North Florida.
Thanksgiving was really good this year. My dad and I flew to Amarillo together. It was our first time flying together, and it was really intersting. I have a very laid back and cocky attitude about flying. My dad is a little more up tight, which is fine, cause it means we won't miss our flight. Anyways, we had an interesting conversation on the way back.
Me: Why do they tell us to put away electronics when we're just going to sit here for 20 min?
Dad: Just put it away
Me: I am
Dad: No, you're texting!
Me: So! I'll put it away when we start to move
Dad: I'm not going to help you if you get in trouble
Me: Good! (Then I put it away...)
I think I revert back to being 13 years old when I'm around him. It was good being around my cousins though, I miss them and I wish I could see them more. The rest of my family is doing really well. I just need to be closer to them and my family in Oklahoma. Even though, I think my Hispanic family took my tattoo better than my family in Oklahoma will take it.
Yeah, She's massive and my favorite. I'm getting her filled next week.