So packing has begun. It sucks hard core, I'll be using a 5'9 trailer that holds about 20 big boxes. Thats it, I have to compond my life into 20 little boxes...
So, far it hasn't been too bad. I haven't had to make any really difficult decisions, like do I take Sadie or my record collection. Fort Worth was amazing, I'm so glad that I decided to take some time and visit my family. I'm going to be so far away from everybody in Florida. Its kind of terrifying. And, honestly, I'm going to miss Norman...

I'm throwing caution to the wind. And I'm hopping that I get to party it down for the last 10 days. I'm still working on finding my way into the gay scene, but I have high hopes. I imagine Florida will have tons of sexy ladies. I guess I should get ready for tonight, but instead im invested in Mad Men...
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