I have a bruised ego. It's weird, its not even like I have great self-esteem or anything, but I know that I'm cute. At least fucking cute. I dress cute, and blah blah blah.
But why, OH dear god, why, do boys blow me off?
Is this just some sort of new thing that boys do? When you state "so I'll be off around midnight, is that too late" and i respond with "no, just hit me up when you get home"....then I finally hear from you around 1:30, saying "closing out my tab"....I just shake my head at you....
boys: girls like it when you stay somewhat close to the plan.. when you don't it makes us sad. that's it. its the truth. even when a girl acts like she doesn't care.....you blow her off enough, and she will start to care, then she will precede to slowly stop talking to you, because she assumes that you don't respect her enough.
its science. trust me.
Also there's this little fear of mine....

taken from postsecret
p.s. Its not that I'm totally into you or something, I'm just tired of fucking boys blowing me off....
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