October 26, 2012

Hot Friday



The pageant is tomorrow. The pageant. OMG. I am not ready at all. I still need to tweak my talent and work on my character bio. It's going to be a whirlwind of craziness. 
If you're free Sat, Oct. 27 @ 8 p.m. please come check out the 
@ the Nightingale Theater!! 

I'm soo essited!! After the pageant, I'm stopping by my friend's Halloween party! It's going to be a long day, but I'm ready for the craziness!!!!

 Enjoy the Hot People!!

Daisy Lowe


October 17, 2012

My Jam


October 16, 2012

State of things:

1- I'm going to be in a fucking pageant. Yup. It's not exactly how it sounds though. The show raises money for domestic abuse and it's sort of an anti-pageant. With the swimsuit portion being a representation of the end of the world. I chose Zombies, obviously. It's going to be crazy and it's at the end of this month. Only 2 weeks away!!! I'm so excited to dress up and look totally hot. (as a zombie going to the beach.  Or a girl who got bit while at the beach.)

2-Honduras is less than 3 weeks away. Still not quiet sure where I'll be sleeping.

3-My sister and I have a very delicate relationship. I don't know we just bicker sometimes. Maybe it's embedded in our DNA. That would suck. But, I wonder if coming from a dramatic upbringing makes a difference or not. I'm just tired of fighting. But, as sure as the sun will come up tomorrow we won't stop fighting. And as sure, as the moon will set, we'll love each other always.

4-Apparently, theres this new type of relationships called: Sexclusive. That's where you only sleep with one partner. You might have other "flings" or such. But, you only sleep with that one person. I think this is a bunch of MALARKEY. This is just a fancy name for fuck buddy. People can do what ever they want, sleep with whomever and such, but there's no reason to invent new terms.

4.1. WHERE ARE THE MEN WHO WANT TO BE IN RELATIONSHIPS and not just sexclusive? I've found lots of those type. I suppose I only attract those types.
I'm over it.

October 15, 2012

Something Got to Change


October 1, 2012

My Jam/Body Revolution

Yes, it's ridiculous. But that's Christina for you.
I think she looks gorgeous and fuck all the haters saying, "She looks fat." They need to get with reality. Stick thin is not healthy, unless that's how you look naturally.

I go back and forth on my body. But, I really have to remember that most of the pressure I have to feel thin, comes from society and the media. And fuck them.

Lady Gaga has recently come up with a lot of hate for putting on weight. She went from an estimated 95 to 120. Yup, and critics are saying she's fat. Society, ya'll. Thankfully though, Lady Gaga is fighting back with a body revolution. Hopefully, it will last.

I just hate how people think it's okay to judge and comment on other people's bodies.
Lady Gaga just like Christina look gorgeous.
But Lady Gaga kills it, in this Versace.