June 30, 2012


Wait for it.

June 24, 2012

Hot Sunday

Stacey Dash


I feel like nothing much has happened in the last few days. But things are always happening.  

Since I've started my job, I've only worked worked and worked on the weekends. My weekends which were once my pride and joy are now reduced to fake smiles and 12 hour shifts. 
It makes me a little sad. But then again, I am making that paper. 

Enjoy the Hot People


Faye Daniels

***I've gained like 10 pds since I left florida. It sucks. I just need to find something to replace swimming in the ocean.  It's hard being body positive, and everyday can be a battle. But I love myself and think I look gorgeous.

June 18, 2012

My Jam

I hope ya'll caught that was Shia. Stanley has come along way from digging holes. 
Fucking LOVE Sigur Ros.

June 5, 2012

Message of the Day

Beautifully done. Beautiful message.

June 3, 2012

Hot Sunday

Hola Kittens

It's mid-afternoon Sunday, and I've already ran, did yoga, finished a book (that i've been reading for 6 months) , made lunch, and i'm writing this. Shit on lock. 

Tonight is the Game of Thrones finale. Ya'll don't even know. I'm reading the 3rd book.  So, I already know what should happen in the finale, but HBO does what ever it wants. Adding about 5 years to every character and adding more sex. Lots more sex. It's awesome. 
Watch party anyone? 

Enjoy the Hot People

But really...


p.s. It's finally fucking summer.